Celebrate life's special moments with the Pure White Rose Bouquet a symbol of beauty and elegance. These roses captivate with their seamless shift from light green outer petals to a pure white center, creating a stunning visual effect. Their strong, straight stems ensure that they stand proudly in any vase or arrangement, measuring 30-40 cm for an ideal fit. This set of 12 roses captivates with its timeless appeal and versatile style, perfect for making memories and enhancing special occasions. Appropriate for gifting or as a decorative touch for home or events, these roses convey sophistication with ease. Their elegant presence uplifts environments, making them an ideal choice for those who appreciate a touch of natural luxury. Delight in the serene charm of the "Athena" White Roses, crafted for those who love elegance in simplicity. These blooms pay homage to nature’s ability to craft pure artistry with their pristine petals. A classic choice for any setting, they promise to bring beauty and tranquility wherever they are placed. With these flowers, one can experience the balanced harmony they bring to any floral arrangement or stand-alone display. Their unwavering appeal is perfect for expressing gratitude and love or for embracing quiet moments of reflection. The “Athena” White Roses assure an elegant presence, suitable for quiet admiration or sharing joy with friends and loved ones. These roses breathe life into spaces without overwhelming them, offering a gentle yet unmistakable statement of refinement. Ideal for all four seasons, they maintain their allure, providing lasting beauty and fresh appeal. Let the enchantment of these roses fill your surroundings, providing a lasting impression of elegance and calm. With the "Athena" White Roses, you're embracing a piece of nature's serene art that complements all aspects of life.
This gift consists of:
• 12 white roses Bouquet