Grateful Hearts Bouquet brings together an enchanting mix of roses, gerberas, alstroemeria, and carnations, infused with the lushness of green foliage. This bouquet bursts with colors and textures, creating a visual feast that perfectly encapsulates your appreciation.
Selected for their fresh beauty and vibrancy, each flower in the Grateful Hearts Bouquet is a testament to meticulous craftsmanship. Complementing this stunning floral display are Ritter Sport chocolate cubes, adding an extra layer of sweetness to your message of thanks.
Ideal for any occasion that calls for expressing gratitude, this bouquet works wonders in making the recipient feel cherished and special. The combination of vivid florals and delectable chocolate treats ensures your thoughtful message leaves a lasting impression.
This Gift Consists of:
•Roses, Gerberas, Alstroemeria, Carnations, Foliage
•Ritter Sport chocolate cubes thank you