Delight in the elegance and nostalgia of the Gorgeous Pink and White Rose Bouquet. This striking arrangement offers 47 pink roses, reminiscent of the iconic Barbie hue that has inspired generations. The centerpiece of this composition is a loving heart of 3 delicate white roses, a symbol of love and simplicity. This bouquet is designed for anyone whose heart skips a beat at the sight of Barbie's timeless charm. Whether you're marking a milestone or simply want to cheer someone up, this bouquet carries a message of affection with its vibrant colors and classic styling. Every petal radiates a sense of whimsy and warmth that is sure to leave a lasting impression. The "Barbie Essence Bouquet" is not just a gift but a cherished keepsake, perfect for every occasion where beauty and sentiment are essential. Transform any environment with this enchanting arrangement, capturing the essence of joy and timeless allure, leaving a trail of happiness in its bloom.
This gift consists of:
• Bouquet of 47 Pink Roses & Heart” made of 3 White Roses