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Finest Pink Carnations Bouquet

Finest Pink Carnations Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 23rd Feb
56% Off



Welcome the beauty and tranquility of nature into your life with the Finest Pink Carnations Bouquet a thoughtfully curated selection of 12 pink carnations that offer a serene visual treat. The captivating blooms of the Jodie variety are famous for their soft, feminine charm, harmonizing effortlessly with ethereal baby's breath to create a bouquet that is both enchanting and calming. This elegant arrangement adds a touch of grace to any setting, whether it's a celebratory event or a peaceful moment of reflection. Perfect for those who appreciate understated elegance and the timeless appeal of classic florals, the Pink Serenity Arrangement captures the essence of beauty and tranquility. Its harmonious color palette makes it a versatile choice for any occasion, conveying warm sentiments of admiration and love. Let this enchanting bouquet instill a sense of peace and joy in the hearts of those who behold it.
This gift consists of:
• 12 pink carnations Bouquet combined with baby’s breath

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