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Soft Color Palette Floral Bouquet

Soft Color Palette Floral Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 22nd May
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Step into the beauty of spring with this enchanting round bouquet featuring a harmonious blend of white, pink, apricot, and yellow hues. The bouquet includes roses, germini, alstroemeria, and gypsophila, creating a delicate and captivating display of nature's finest blooms. Eucalyptus is used as an accessory, adding a touch of freshness and sophistication to the arrangement.

Each flower in this bouquet symbolizes different sentiments – roses represent love, germini convey cheerfulness, alstroemeria symbolize friendship, and gypsophila adds a light and airy texture. Together, they create a symphony of colors and textures that evoke feelings of joy, warmth, and admiration.

This bouquet is perfect for celebrating special moments, expressing gratitude, or simply brightening someone's day with its soft and elegant beauty. Surprise your loved ones with this Soft Color Palette Floral Bouquet , a heartfelt gift that captures the essence of the season.
The gift contains:
• Round bouquet in white-pink-apricot-yellow with roses, germini, alstroemeria and gypsophila. Eucalyptus is used as an accessory.

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