Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of this Radiant Floral Arrangement because there’s no better way to enjoy the simple pleasures of nature. This bouquet combines light pink roses with lilac carnations and pink santini “YinYang” flowers, which are beautifully accented by light pink hypericum and lush greenery. These flowers together form a vibrant tapestry of cool and warm tones, exuding an air of tranquility and grace. At about a 30 cm diameter, this bouquet finds the perfect balance for your tabletop or corner space. Every choice bloom is picked fresh and bundled with care tips and flower nutrients, assuring that you experience lasting beauty. This arrangement arrives complete with an elegant glass vase that enhances its overall allure. Whether for an anniversary, birthday, or a simple gesture of kindness, this bouquet delivers sentiments of love and appreciation. Let the gentle fragrance and soft textures elevate your space into a charming haven of nature’s artistry, ensuring every glance brings delightful peace and joy.
This gift consists of:
• Bouquet with light pink roses, lilac carnations, pink santini „YinYang“, light pink hypericum and plenty of greens.
• A Glass Vase