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Harmonious Lilies and Carnations Bouquet

Harmonious Lilies and Carnations Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 23rd Feb
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The Harmonious Lilies and Carnations Bouquet is more than just flowers; it’s a gesture of love and a step towards a brighter future. Featuring pristine white lilies, stunning pink carnations, cheerful Peruvian lilies, and the delicately laced gypsophila, this bouquet radiates warmth. Enhanced by the soothing green shades of pistachio and salal, it's the ultimate expression of natural beauty. Every petal, every fragrance speaks of tenderness and generosity, making this a perfect gift for showing someone you care. Transform a simple room into a sanctuary of peace and color, or send it to a loved one to share in the joy that it brings. This is more than a bouquet; it is the fragrance of hope and promise.
This gift consists of:
• Mixed Carnations & Lilies Bouquet

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