Delight someone special with our Charming Bouquet & Ferrero Duo, where timeless elegance meets modern flair. This striking display combines the classic beauty of white roses, the vivid charm of pink-salmon Grand Cherry chrysanthemums, and the subtle notes of cream-colored hypericum. Enhanced by salmon carnations and lush greenery, this arrangement offers a harmonious blend of colors and textures, curated to impress. The bouquet includes a chic glass vase, making it easy to showcase in your chosen space. Alongside the flowers, enjoy the added bonus of 3 Ferrero Giotto, delivering a touch of sweetness to your experience. Ensured to arrive fresh, the bouquet includes practical care tips and flower nutrients, so the arrangement delights for longer. Measuring about 30 cm in diameter, it’s a perfect present to express love, gratitude, or congratulations, making any occasion a memorable one.
This gift consists of:
• Bouquet with white roses, pink-salmon chrysanthemums Grand Cherry, cream coloured hypericum, salmon carnation and plenty of greens.
• 3 Ferrero Giotto
• A Glass Vase